Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Because some some may find it hard to believe that I hiked or did anything requiring an increased level of physical activity, I want to provide photographic proof of our day-long hike through Cinque Terre's five towns.

And while I can hear the protests now -- the shrieks of laughter and the comments like "Define 'hike' for me," I 'll have you know that we received a lot of admiration when we told locals we did all five in one day.*

(mid-pant right here and trying to put on a smile)

*What I didn't tell them as they gave me high-fives, was that I wanted to die for the first bit and that I have never been so gross and sweaty. Amy fared much better then me and at points if it weren't for the old people on the trail, panting and telling me to enjoy my youth, I maybe would have cried. Or I'm being dramatic, but lesson learned was that I should re-evaluate my zero tolerance policy on exercise and go to the gym when I get home.

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